juliane foronda
Accumulation (for Rube Goldberg), 2013
video, 01:00

This stop-motion video documents the accumulation of a natural collector, the process of building a construction, and an attempt to achieve a futile goal.

Accumulation no.2, 2014
video, 01:07

This video was made for Xpace Cultural Centre and was featured on xpace.info as well as in the The Learning Zone at OCADU.

A collection of common objects and scrap materials are brought together. As the objects are arranged one after another in The Learning Zone, they gradually accumulate to form a construction. It's continuously changing as the objects are strung together, and the structure deconstructs as quickly as it was built.

(formerly titled SemiCycle)

Accumulation no.3, 2015
video, 01:52

Curated by Scott McGovern for Ed Video Media Arts Centre for Art-Athina Platforms Project in June 2015

Wine corks, film canisters, toothpicks and pipes, among other objects were collected throughout the streets of Athens, Greece. This video brings them all together on the floor of the abandoned Tae Kwon Do Stadium.
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